Useful Links

Lecture notes for the "Experiment Design in Computer Sciences" class at Tsukuba University

Useful Links

These are links to complementary materials to increase your knowledge on the several topics covered during the course.

Videos lectures

  • Crash Course Statistics Playlist. This playlist contains many topics that are discussed in this course, described in a light and educational way. It is a great complimentary material.
  • Crash Course Sociology: These two videos describe how the ideas of experimentalism and the scientific method apply to a completely different field. Many of these concepts also apply to some areas of computer science, such as Human Computer Interaction studies.

Online Materials

Statistic Reviews By Whitley And Ball

A series of short articles that offer a good review of the topics discussed in this course.

  • Review 1: Visualization –
  • Review 2: Samples and Population –
  • Review 3: Hypothesis Test –
  • Review 4: Sample Sizes –
  • Review 5: Comparison of Means –
  • Review 6: Non-Parametric Methods –

R Programming Language

  • R for beginners. An introduction to the R programming language, and its main characteristics.

  • Rstudio. A graphical interface for R, very useful for writing, reading and executing R code.

  • ggplot2. ggplot2 is a very powerful R library for creating beautiful plots from data. Much better than the native plotting functions in R.

Academic Materials


  • Existential Comics. Online comics about philosophy. Sometimes contain insightful discussions about the philosophy of science.